Is Bankruptcy An Option For Avoiding Eviction?

If you have missed a few months of paying rent, your landlord may threaten to evict you. If you have nowhere else to live, this can be a stressful predicament. Filing bankruptcy may alleviate some stress as it can slow down the process of being evicted. When Can You File For Bankruptcy You can file for bankruptcy and hope to gain some relief if three conditions are met. The landlord cannot have filed with the court for possession of the property, you must be able to pay one month's rent immediately, and you must be able to pay the rest of the rent within 30 days. Read More 

How To Go From Bankruptcy To A Positive Credit Score

If you have recently gone through bankruptcy, it may feel as if you are never going to see the light at the end of that long financial tunnel. However, the truth is that you have been given a clean slate. It's up to you now to make sure you turn that clean slate into a positive credit rating. Follow the tips in this article to improve your credit rating as quickly as possible: Read More 

Benefits Of Hiring A Personal Bankruptcy Attorney

Going into debt is stressful, but getting out of debt can be even worse. Many people hire a personal bankruptcy attorney because it lessens the stress that comes from filing for bankruptcy. Yet there are many reasons why it's a good idea to consult with a licensed and skilled attorney before declaring bankruptcy. Hiring a bankruptcy attorney can make the process of filing for bankruptcy easier and safer, ensuring that your bankruptcy will go as smoothly as possible. Read More 

7 Types Of Debts That Cannot Be Discharged In Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Declaring a chapter 7 bankruptcy is a method of leaving your debt behind, and making a fresh financial start. No matter how you got yourself in a financial bind, the law allows you to begin again, with certain exceptions. While nearly all types of debt can be discharged with chapter 7 bankruptcy, there are 7 important types of debt that cannot be included in a bankruptcy filing.  If you are considering filing, read on to find out what cannot be discharged. Read More 

Are You Able To Work And Receive Disability Benefits?

If you've recently suffered from an illness or injury that has left you temporarily unable to work full-time, you may be investigating your options. From employer-sponsored short-term and long-term disability insurance to workers compensation to Social Security Disability (SSD), the number of disability programs potentially available can seem overwhelming. In addition, if you feel you're able to work at least part-time during your recuperation, you may wonder whether you're even eligible for any disability assistance. Read More